Get: The Best Lotion Ever, on sale now

Get: The Best Lotion Ever, on sale now

Last week, I was analyzing which Costco check-out line to join when I remembered one last thing: check if Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream is finally on sale again. I'd been waiting and waiting. I was down to my final tub of precious goop, rationing it and trying to hold out until it went on sale (Costco puts it on sale just about once a year).

I rounded the corner, and there she was, like a glowing angel with a "sale sign" halo. I actually cheered aloud. A woman was putting some in her cart while her boyfriend said, "You already have enough of that stuff." I turned with a smile and informed him, "You can never have too much."

The sale ends January 28 and amounts to $5 off: $15.99 full price, $10.99 on sale. Pretty nice discount! It comes in a box with 2 tubs: a large 20-ounce tub and a smaller 8.8-ounce tub (pictured above). You're limited to 4 discounted boxes per transaction; I gleefully bought 8 total, should be enough for a year if I keep my addiction in check.

I like to keep a tub in every room of my house, because I'm a lotion addict. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream fulfills all of my lotion fantasies, above and beyond. Click here to read about my lotion history in one of my first articles, Get: The Best Lotion Ever. It's pretty funny.

Go: Bear Valley Mountain

Go: Bear Valley Mountain

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